For Our Babies


Teachers, Students, Parents, School-level administrators, District-level administrators

(1)  Search for educational resources. 
(2)  Save resources.
(3)  Assemble resources into lesson plans.
(4)  Share lesson plans with other teachers.
(5)  Assign lessons to students.
(6)  Capture student behavior across a wide range of qualities, not just correct/incorrect
(7)  Provide data feedback and visualizations to teachers, administrators, students, and parents
(8)  Develop a refined recommendation engine to create customized educational with a higher rate of student success

Design Challenges
(A)  Resources tagged and searchable by almost 200 different data points, including curriculum standard, file format, how it is used in the classroom, pedagogical applications, context, content, accessibility, grade level, reading level, source, and usage rights.
(B)  Users should be able to save, move, categorize, share, annotate, rate, and edit existing resources as well as other teacher's lesson plans. Items should be easy to move between the different sections of the app.
(C)  Users should be able to create their own resources.
(D)  Look & feel should be clear, friendly, fresh, and elegant.

Visual designs and prototypes developed in Sketch and Illustrator.
Wireframes produced in Balsamiq.

