Presentation Samples
Discovery Digital Media
In 2012, Discovery Digital Media asked me to redesign their primary marketing sales presentation.
Pearson Psychology
From 2009 through 20011, I was hired by Pearson Education Publishing to take a series of presentations created by an instructor for use in his own classroom and adapt it to all of Pearson's college-level intro psych textbooks for use by instructors and students either in the classroom or as a free-standing supplement.
- Created presentations for 11 titles, each with 15 chapters and approximately 80 slides per chapter (over 13,000 slides)
- Designed book-specific imagery and layouts for chapter, section, and inside slides
- Developed templates and layouts for editors to use to create new slides
- Wrote documentation for editors to create new presentations
- Replaced all images with rights-approved stock imagery
- Repaired animations and cross-platform errors