Pearson Educational Publishing — Humanities Division
Selected Projects
PsychTutor powered by Pearson
Educational illustrations for online and mobile psychology tutorials and interactives // college-level
Psychological Science, published by Pearson
Information design, layouts, templates, photo direction and editing, icon creation for college-level psychology textbook with an emphasis on teaching scientific literacy and critical thinking. Also designed digital supplements including interactive PowerPoint presentations, PsychTutor online tutorial interface and infographics, and icons to link the text to instructor resources on the ClassPrep platform.
To visually convey the scientific process, I chose the theme of curiosity, selecting and editing slightly surreal photographs for every chapter. To complement the photographic style, I used a more web-based style of iconography and diagrams throughout the informational parts of the book, creating a visual language reinforcing the cycle of inquiry, investigation, critical thinking, and application. The introduction to the book introduced these themes that were repeated in all materials.
Icons — Pearson MyLabs
Icons for Pearson Educational Publishing's MyLabs, applied to every content topic in the humanities division.
Pearson — College-Level Psychology Supplements
Interactive PowerPoint companions developed individually for every college-level introductory psychology textbook published by Pearson Educational Publishing.
An enterprising college instructor created a highly animated, interactive series of PowerPoints to use in his classroom in coordination with Prentice Hall's Introduction to Psychology textbook by Ciccarelli and White. Pearson hired me to adapt this across their entire stable of intro psych books. Designed to be used by teachers and students as a stand-alone supplement, as well as classroom presentation.
- Replaced all images with rights-approved images
- Rebuilt entire series to fix cross-platform and version technical errors
- Adapted content to incorporate the particular language, organization, images, and content from different authors
- Developed new content for texts not covered in the original
- Designed templates for each book reflecting its original design
- Designed templates and training documents so future presentations can be created by non-designers on staff
PsychTutor, powered by Pearson
Interface design for online interactive tutorials for college-level students. Template needed to accommodate a wide variety of content, text, images, video, and interactives in a format that a non-designer could input. Designed to provide consistent feedback of location within content.
Pearson MyLabs Template
Applies to MyLabs for all textbooks and subjects. Redesign existing layout, create new icons, develop a more evolved "look," and a more effective click-through rate for the main action items — while remaining within the existing technical parameters.
Pearson MyLibrary Templates
PsychXL by Prentice Hall
Design and production of a demo for Pearson Education’s online testing tool, “PsychXL,” (now part of MyPsychLab). Developed in Flash.
Video tour > (not available on mobile devices) Interactive tour > (not available on mobile devices)